5 Common Causes of Intense Tooth Pain

Tooth pain has the potential to ruin your day. Especially painful tooth sensations might make it impossible to work, learn or even do simple chores around the house. If your tooth pain is particularly harsh, your thoughts will immediately turn to what you ate, drank and did in the hours and days preceding this unfortunate event.

Your mind will race through everything you experienced as you attempt to determine what is causing the nasty oral pain. Here is a quick look at the top five most common causes of harsh tooth pain and how a dentist can help get your mouth back to normal.

1. Faulty/Aged Dental Work or Loose Fillings

Fillings, crowns and other dental restorations are designed to last years if not decades. However, such restorations are likely to crack or even fall out of the mouth at one point or another. If such a break occurs, the tooth pain might prove unbearable as the nerves are re-exposed. Meet with us as soon as possible to restore or replace the dental restoration.

2. Worn Tooth Enamel

Tooth enamel wears as time progresses. Eating, drinking and everyday living cause gradual enamel wear. Teeth become more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures as enamel wears away. This occurs as the protective mineral gradually dissipates from the surface of the teeth.

Enamel wear is usually the result of faulty oral hygiene and excessive sugar consumption. Meet with your dentist to determine the best way to reinforce your tooth enamel to reduce the chances of subsequent damage.

3. A Cracked Tooth

If your tooth cracks, you will likely feel a strong sensation of pain. A cracked tooth can result from biting down on something hard to harsh contact curing sports, an auto accident and other events. If the sensitive nerves within the tooth are exposed, the pain will prove quite severe.

If your tooth is cracked, the dentist will position a crown covering molded to your unique mouth to seal the crack. The purpose of this crown is to prevent future pain and enhance your smile.

4. A Cavity

Cavities that an individual neglects for months or years will become painful. Enamel can wear down to the point that the nerve within the tooth faces exposure. This cavity will likely make its presence known sooner or later in the form of a sharp tooth pain.

It will prove especially uncomfortable when biting on something hard, hot or cold. If we do not fill the cavity, it will lead to an infection.

5. A Dental Abscess

Dental abscesses prove quite uncomfortable. When an abscess forms in the mouth, it will also include infected tooth pulp that causes considerable pain.  This phenomenon occurs when a cavity does not receive treatment for an extended period of time.

The infection generates swelling, throbbing, redness and a nasty taste. Fortunately, we can treat a dental abscess with drainage, root canal, antibiotics and a sealing of the area to eliminate the abscess and any pain.

Request an appointment in our Fort Lee dentist office here: https://fortleefamilydental.com.

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