Clear Braces vs. Traditional Braces

clear braces Fort Lee, NJ

Clear braces and traditional braces are the options patients get to explore when they are dealing with teeth alignment issues. Metal braces are the oldest option available and they have been proven to be effective for over a century. The main problem with metal braces is poor aesthetics. The patient is left stuck with a mouth full of metal brackets and wires for the entire duration of their treatment. However, with clear braces, the concern of aesthetics is not as great. 

Comparing clear braces to traditional metal braces

Clear braces are newer appliances that provide significantly better aesthetics. The term is often used to describe ceramic braces and clear aligners. Let us take a closer look at the two dental appliances that are often called clear braces:

1. Ceramic braces

These are an evolved version of metal braces. They work using brackets and wires to move the patient's teeth towards a better alignment. Instead of the metal wires and brackets that are the norm when it comes to metal braces, ceramic braces are made up of tooth-colored brackets and transparent wires. As a result, ceramic braces are not easily noticed when a person has them.

Ceramic braces are also gentler on the patient's mouth. The device is less likely to irritate soft tissues. The main downside of ceramic braces is the fact they are more prone to staining and damage.

2. Clear aligners

Clear aligners are transparent plastic trays that are used to move teeth to a better alignment. The patient gets a series of trays that are each worn for two weeks. Each aligner further down the line pushes the patient's teeth closer to the desired position. The series of trays work like a relay team, with each doing its job before another takes over and continues to move the patient's teeth towards the finish line.

Clear aligners are viewed as the least invasive way to straighten teeth since the aligner trays are removable. This allows the patient to take the appliance out to eat or clean their mouth, which can make treatment easier. 

Traditional metal braces

Traditional braces remain the most effective way to straighten teeth and people with severe orthodontic issues might be required to use them. The appliance is made up of metal wires and brackets that push the wearer's teeth towards better alignment.

Metal braces are easily noticed when worn and they tend to make the wearer feel self-conscious about the way their teeth look. On the bright side, modern metal braces are smaller than their predecessors, so they are not as noticeable. Metal braces can also be customized with different colors to make the treatment process more enjoyable.

Get started with clear braces

Want to learn more about clear braces or other teeth straightening options? Working with a general dentist to get started is the next step. Reach out today to find out more!

Request an appointment here: or call Fort Lee Family Dental at (201) 620-9772 for an appointment in our Fort Lee office.

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